Chateau Roudier’s viticulture
a vineyard: Montagne Saint-Emilion’s appellation
The quality of our wines begins with the work in the vineyard. Every day, the staff are present in the vineyard, , and the care we take of it, would grow the best of vine.
Head of cultivation and his staff, with many years of experience shall be experts in this vineyard
Mixed ancestral works of the vineyard and the adaptation strategy with climate change, the greatest attention has been kept in vineyards work. The excellent work by the wine growers resulted in a famous vintage.
The vine from december to february
After the harvest, the vine will start to show its autumnal colours.Leaves are falling and fertilized the soil.
During the winter, the vine stocks are dormant plants. The sap flows down the roots of the vine
The size is an essential process to preserve the vine in health and vivacity. During winter pruning, the thoroughness, precision and technical expertise is very important. In fact, we choose the spurs that will bear the fruiting canes. After, the team come along to gather up the prunings and take them to the end of the rows. Canes converted to mulch, on site, make up for a good portion of the decrease in humus.
the vine from march to may
During the spring, the first rays of sunrise begin to warm the vine. The vineyard begins a new natural cycle. The sap starts flowing once again leading to the growth of shoots and small leaves.
The cane is kept longer in order to enable it to be attached to the supporting wire (the “attachment”).
The vine is developing. Next comes the removal of excess branches to suppress the non fruit bearing young shots.
the vine from june to september
The first flowers appear in late spring at the beginning of summer. It’s the period of pollination of the grape blossoms.
During July, logs of grapes grow but the fruit remains green.
At the end of July, at this stage, the grapes turn from green to their mature state. It’s called the veraison. In vineyard with importing yield we let us make a grape harvest in green, to decrease the yields and allow the grapes to mature correctly.
Leaf thinning, which is done by hand, consists of eliminating the leaves situated close the bunches of graps so as to aerate them and increase their exposure.